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LE MEURICE - Alain Ducasse

New French Haute Cuisine for the 21st century

LE MEURICE - Alain Ducasse

With its lavish ormolu moldings and grand crystal chandeliers, Le Meurice is one of the most beautiful dining rooms in Paris.

For all of its rococo splendor, however, the special affection I have for this space runs back to a soft Indian summer morning fourteen years ago when I came to have a tour of the hotel while it was undergoing renovations.

I entered through a side door in the construction hoardings, and looking for the woman with whom I had an appointment, I found myself on the edge of the dining room, where a team of men in dusty blue overalls was arguing in Italian.

Evolution - Pastry Chef Jordi Puigvert

Modern Techniques on Pastry and Bakery for high volume production

Evolution - Pastry Chef Jordi Puigvert

Spanish Pastry Chef Jordi Puigvert will present a unique Training Program on "Modern Techniques on Pastry, Confectionery and Bakery for high volume production" in 18 & 19 March, in Athens.

The training program will focus on New Modern, quick and easy techniques, giving longer shelf life to the final product and better textures.

Lanshu Chen

Asia's Best Female Chef 2014

Lanshu Chen

Chef Lanshu Chen who works at the Le Mout Restaurant in Taiwan has been picked as Asia's Best Female Chef ahead of the 2014 announcement of Asia's 50 Best Restaurants list in Singapore, February 24th.

What you can expect from Ferran Adria in 2014

Keep a close eye on the acclaimed chef in 2014

What you can expect from Ferran Adria in 2014

He's taught at Harvard University, inched closer to creating a bible of modern cuisine and put the finishing touches on his latest book.

If this year is any indication of the excitement in Ferran Adria's life post elBulli, then you better keep a close eye on the acclaimed chef in 2014.

Alex Atala Reacts to Brazil's Foie Gras Ban

Calls it "Absurd"

Alex Atala Reacts to Brazil's Foie Gras Ban

Reactions to the ban of the production and sale of foie gras in Sao Paolo have been polarised.

2 Michelin starred chef Alex Atala, of Sao Paulo restaurant D.O.M., currently 9th position on the World’s 50 Best Restaurants list, called the ban "absurd".

The city’s restaurants will have 45 days to adapt to the new ruling, after which they will receive a heavy fine should foie gras appear on their menu.